The answer? It depends.
For most of my clients, social media is a tool, an online opportunity to show "proof of life" and remind their clients they exist on a regular basis.
Like a neighbourly knock on the door of potential clients consciousness with a new piece of information, an offer or a tasty bit of information about who you are as a brand.
Here's the thing, whatever is brought to the table must be of value to the recipient.
Three questions to ask yourself if you're wondering about Social Media for your small business
- Are my dream clients engaging on social media?
- What do they want to hear about?
- What would I want to talk about with them if we were at a dinner party table together?
Can you help me?
Yes. I can. I rarely run your social media entirely on your behalf, but I can certainly write your content, be your sounding board, and send it through for you to post and share with others.
Let's get started!